
Business Plan and Calculations Training (online)

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Well planned is half started! Welcome to join Business Plan and Calculations Training!

This training is held online in Teams. And of course free of charge!

Are you wondering if you should start a business? Are you planning to apply for Startup grant? Or for a bank loan? And now you need to write your Business Plan and you find it a bit hard to do….?

A good Business Plan is always a concrete plan of action of how you are going to implement your business in practice. Most of all it is a excellent tool for yourself as a entrepreneur!

Doing a Business Plan gives you a better understanding of:

  • Products, sales and commercialization
  • Potential customer groups
  • Marketing plan
  • Sales plan
  • Sales calculation
  • Cash flow and profitability calculation

We recommend you to participate first Starting a Business Info where you will get basic information about entrepreneurship.

In this training we will focus only on the business plan and calculations. Training is not a workshop, so there’s no time to do your plan in the session. Make good notes and you can start to write your plan after the training in earnest and turn it into numbers also in calculations.

This training in Teams will not be recorded, but presentation material is delivered to participants afterwards by email.

You can find basic layout documents of Business plan plus excellent guidelines and Calculation plans for your use here https://newcohelsinki.fi/en/services/business-plan/


REGISTRATION: https://www.eventbrite.fi/e/business-plan-and-calculations-training-online-tickets-477934042587

Limited tickets available, so sign up quickly!


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