
Entrepreneurship support and networks for internationals: Information and networking event (in English)

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Have fun, make friends, win prizes, and create valuable networks while learning about entrepreneurship, and start-up support networks for internationals.

Come listen to and talk with experts from the University/OAMK (Ville Saarenpää, David Delahunty), Business Oulu (Shefat Islam), Start Up Refugees (Muntaser Mazen Al-Hamad) Oulu Entrepreneurship society (Tam Le) and StartUp station/Crazytown (Jan Schmidt) to find out more about entrepreneurship support and networks for immigrant entrepreneurs and start-ups.

In addition to information, we also provide snacks, great company, an invaluable networking opportunity and you might even win a prize 😊

The main target for the event is University/OAMK students, however, the information covered is relevant to all internationals interested in entrepreneurship and starting a company in Finland.

The event is in English and free of charge, registration is however required.

Registration opens at the end of August, make sure to register and guarantee your spot.

Ville Saarenpää (University of Oulu, Innovaatiokeskus)
or David Delahunty (University of Oulu)

Additional info: https://pohjatfest.com/ohjelma/

Jaa kirjoitus haluamallasi tavalla!

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